
yndmt 2015-2-25 2338

最新回复 (7)
  • rjmwh -885854616秒前
    引用 2
    1.Is there a cake on the table? 2.There aren't two cakes in the kitchen. There be句型若变为一般疑问句,只需提前系动词;There be句型变否定句,系动词后加not
  • wnpe -885881281秒前
    引用 3
      is there a cake on the table there are no two cakes in the kitchen.
  • 游客 -885940532秒前
    引用 4
      1.Is there a cake on the table ? 2.There aren't two cakes in the kitchen. 呵呵,3年没看英语鸟。~
  • 游客 -885951167秒前
    引用 5
      Is there a cake on the table? The two cakes are not in the kitchen.
  • vxqo -885949230秒前
    引用 6
      is there a cake on the table there aren't two cakes in the kitchen.
  • 游客 -885963922秒前
    引用 7
      .Is there a cake on the table ? 2.There aren't two cakes in the kitchen. 呵呵,3年没看英语鸟。~ 我啊啊
  • yalyb -885875424秒前
    引用 8
      1.There is a cake on the table.(变为一般疑问句) 回答:Is there a cake on the table? 2. There are two cakes in the kitchen.(变为否定句) 回答:There aren't two cake in the kitchen.