
游客 2019-11-10 1443

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  • 游客 2019-11-10
    引用 -99
    不定式翻译练习 1. To say something is one thing; To do it is another. 2. To answer this question is not easy. 3. It is not easy to answer this question. 4. It’s good manners to wait in line. 5. It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full of food. 6. It’s a good idea to learn the foreign customs. 7. His wish is to become a doctor. 8. To the doctors, the most important thing is to save lives. 9. I want to have a cup of tea. 10. She is learning to swim. 11. Do you know where to go? 12. I will show you how to find the museum. 13. Do you know where to go? 14. They asked me to wait a little. 15. I saw him leave the room. 16. The teacher asked us to hand in exercise books. 17. My father let me do it. 18. Will you help me (to) find my pen? 19. She was seen to leave the hall. 20. They were heard to sing the room. 21. Have you anything to eat? 22. There is nothing to worry about. 23. He come to borrow my bike. 24. She is too young to go to school. 25. He was very tired. So he stopped to have a rest. 翻译练习 1. 你还有哪些别的要说嘛? 2. 对不起,我忘了给你邮信了。 3. 记着下次来把你妹妹带来。 4. 他们想上大学。 5. 我想理发。 6. 不要把孩子弄醒。 7. 你有没有听见他长国这首歌? 8. 他们往后挪想保持一定的距离。 9. 老板让工人工作了一整天。 10. 我没能通过电脑考试。 11. 他被认为是一个诚实的孩子。 12. 我们来这里想学知识。 13. 我看见他们进了房间。 14. 她太弱了抬不动那块大石头。 15. 你愿意帮我提这个包嘛?
  • mopi -2581515684秒前
    引用 -98
    1.说和做是两回事 2.回答这个问题不容易3.这个问题很难回答 4.排队等候是文明的表现 5.嘴里吃着东西和人说话是不礼貌的 6.学习外国的风俗习惯不错 7.他的愿望是成为一名医生 8.对于医生来讲,最重要的事是救死扶伤 9.我想喝杯茶 10.她在学游泳 11.你知道往哪走吗 12.我来告诉你博物馆怎么走 13.你知道往哪走吗 14.他们叫我等一会 15.我看到他离开了房子 ……太简单了。先这么多吧。
  • pwuyl -2581515684秒前
    引用 -97
    1.口是心非 2.回答这个问题不简单 3.这个问题很难回答 4.排队等候是文明的 5.吃着东西和别人讲话是不文明的 6.学习外国的风俗习惯是不错的建议 7.他希望成为一名医生