
ppkq 2019-11-12 2382

最新回复 (12)
  • gqeb -2529001549秒前
    引用 2
    http://www.waiguohua.com/fun/reading/article/ 上爱词霸,或者下个金山的鼠标取词,老快了就 WWW.JINSHAN.COM
  • 游客 -2529009836秒前
    引用 3
  • 游客 -2528966715秒前
    引用 4
  • czvt -2528955132秒前
    引用 5
  • cqtrz -2528976065秒前
    引用 6
    http://www.s009.com/read.php?fid=25&tid=151&fpage=1 http://wolongjade.bokee.com/viewdiary.13274485.html
  • gsrk -2529022665秒前
    引用 7
    我住在一个小城, 秀丽的灌木林环绕其间.它是一个闻名而美丽的景点.每逢周日,成百上千的城里人观赏我们的城镇. 游客在林间穿行时一直被要求保持干净整洁.垃圾桶就放在树下,但人们仍然到处仍垃圾. 上周我在树林里散步, 这一行让我很伤心. 我数了一下,有七辆旧车,三个旧冰箱. 垃圾桶里面空空的,而地面却铺满了纸片,烟蒂,旧轮胎,空瓶子,以及锈罐头瓶. 在垃圾堆中,我发现了一个标志:"任何人在林间乱扔垃圾将被起诉!" 所以我希望在不久的将来, 人们会更加保护好我们的环境和树林. 我喜欢原来的城镇, 希望大家都能认真保护我们的小镇及周围的环境. I live in a very town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.It is a famous spot.on sunday,hundreds of people from the city come to see our town and walk through the woods.Visitors are asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.Litter-baskets are placed under the trees,but people still throw their rubbish everywhere .Last wednesday,I went for a walk in the woods and what I saw made me very sad.I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators?我不明白.The Litter-baskets were empty and the ground was coreved with pieces of paper cigarette-ends,old tires,empty bottles and rusty tins.Among the rubbish I saw a sign saying:"Anyone who litters in these woods will be prosecuted"! so I hope in the near future people will take better care of our environment and woods.I like my old town and hope we all can be cautious to keep our town.and it's surrownding clean.
  • 游客 -2528970150秒前
    引用 8
    里面有英语短文:http://www.waiguohua.com/fun/reading/article/ 词汇可以用百度词典翻译:http://dict.baidu.com/
  • bcteh -2528952114秒前
    引用 9
  • 游客 -2528887958秒前
    引用 10
  • jmpnn -2528934470秒前
    引用 11
    里面有很多哦,你慢慢找哦 参考资料:http://www1.englishchina.com/Index.html     
  • 游客 -2528998256秒前
    引用 12
    http://www.s009.com/read.php?fid=25&tid=151&fpage=1 http://wolongjade.bokee.com/viewdiary.13274485.html http://www1.englishchina.com/Index.html 参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/37174060.html     
  • wisnr -2528941333秒前
    引用 13