
wnxs 2020-1-16 597

最新回复 (1)
  • hpesu -2580997917秒前
    引用 2
    旁白十二:After baijingjing's gone,zhizunbao was killed by chunsanshiniang who came to find a teacher.And then his soul came back to shuiliandong and decided to bury the affection about zixia after  a deeply thought which could make him Monkey Sun and accompany tangseng to achieve the destination. However,he was assulted by niumowang on his rescunation of tangseng 旁白十三:The story of dahuaxiyou has passed for many years.However, the story of love still last long ever and ever………… 希望能协助到你,没用什么深邃的语法。呵呵