
zybyd 2020-5-22 2976

最新回复 (4)
  • zybyd 2020-5-22
    引用 -99
    请帮忙回答一下我叫冷佩聪、来自重庆。 毕业于重庆市清华中学。我从小一直有一个梦想。就是在蓝天中翱翔。我对自己非常有信心,我相信这一职业我一定能胜任,虽然激烈很竞争。但我的自信给了我勇气,觉得应该要尝试。 ,谢谢。
  • oaqc -2581446390秒前
    引用 -98
    My name is cold Pei-tsung, from Chongqing. Graduated from 清华中学 in Chongqing.I 've always had a dream.Is soaring in the sky.I feel very confident, i believe it i must have qualified for, despite the fierce very competitive.But my confidence gave me the courage to try.祝你面试成功!!!!!!!
  • outr -2581446390秒前
    引用 -97
    I'm Leng Peicong, from Chongqing. I graduated from Chongqing Tsinghua  middle school. Since my childhood, I always have a dream, that is, to fly in the sky. I am very confident in myself and I believe I am competent to the job, although the competition is very fierce. My confidence injects courage to me, so I should have a try.
  • mtmf -2581446390秒前
    引用 -96
    Have a such girl, like to have a dream being fond of fantasy, often, he dreams about flight , dreams about Milky Way , ponders over that dreamworld , ponders over that fine , hope that self is had one naive can to touch blue sky , is encircled by white cloud.   This girl is me , this year 18-year-old , shooter's seat, have the character open and clear , top 1.65 meters, weight is a little bit unqualified , three such peculiar periods already are not that very year that was gentle and graceful in height I, I am sure to restore consummate stature , hope that the teacher can understand that. Still have the most important one point, I have face as lovable as kindergarten aunt.   I am come from with regard to being me , not having consummate stature, only have consummate smiling face from the* * * * school's girl--xiaoya.
  • cjbr -2581446390秒前
    引用 -95
    你好,翻译为;“My name isLeng Peicong, from Chongqing. He graduated from Tsinghua University Middle School in Chongqing. I have been a dream since childhood. China is soaring in the blue sky. I'm very confident, I believe that the profession I will certainly be able to do, although the competition is fierce. But my self-confidence gave me the courage to think that we should try.”。