
xtxfg 2020-4-7 550

最新回复 (2)
  • dzpm -1111981758秒前
    引用 2
    Rhythm animates poetry. There is only monotony, insipidity and an unaesthetic poetry in listening when there is no rhythm in reciting. The meaning of what we want to express would be weakened, even become ambiguous, if the correct accent rhythm is not be controlled in recitation. As a core, accent rhythm has a great impact on fluency and comprehension as well as the function of conveying feelings, which is given the prominent significance to teaching effectiveness and difficulty level in proper handling. Reading a poetry aloud through vivid and graceful accent rhythm not only intrigue students, but also reveal it of its implication. So to speak, accent rhythm can effectively improve students’ understanding of a poetry in order to reach the teaching target. 此译文聚吾人数年笔译之精髓,集众多美词之灵气,揽丰富句型之优雅,可谓才思泉涌、笔走龙蛇之作,望采纳。
  • lxbti -1111924837秒前
    引用 3
    Endowed with life rhythm of poetry. No rhythm of the poem sounds drab, dull, without feeling. If we are not in the right of the rhythm of stress, we mean that there may be weakened, sometimes even become blurred. Stress, rhythm is dedicating itself. But also constitute the fluent degree and the influence factors of the intelligibility. In poetry appreciation teaching, to correctly handle the stress of the rhythm of poetry teaching and teaching difficulty with indelible significance. Through the stress, rhythm, vivid read poetry can cause the students' learning interest and attention, also can accurately express the implied meaning of poetry. So that students can effectively improve the stress rhythm of poetry teaching purpose, achieve understanding ability.