
sqrf 2017-6-27 686

最新回复 (1)
  • zeyy -2581397903秒前
    引用 2
    Danny used to be in a good shape,but since he (got married)with a girl who owns a cake shop Danny has become fatter and fatter (ever after).Why? Cause cakes were danny's favourite,he could not help keeping eatting cakes and he broke down the (blance diet) he kept before,for which resulted in his (putting on weight).Now in order to (keep fit) and (win back) the good shape danny decided to lose weight.Danny (ought to) got away from cakes and do more exercise.Danny did obey his plan.(Before long) once when danny standed in front of the mirror,surprisely danny found himself turn into a jimpness and handsome man again,mirror never (tells a lie),danny was so happy. ps:我给楼主一些有关于此类问题的建议。 可以把拿到的词进行简单的分类。 1.可以构成故事情节的,带有一定故事性的动词短语词及其他,这里是keep fit,put on weight,win back,get marry,spy on ,in debt. 2表示时间的词,在任何故事中都能用到。这里如ever after ,before long. 3.还有一些很平常的没有太多内涵的词,sit down, turn into,ought to 啊。 故事主要根据第一部分构思,而情节主线就是1部分中那些彼此有一定关联的词,其他的可以自由取舍。 希望以上对你有帮助。